Thursday, November 5, 2009
the challenges of art history
in the matter of technology I think that it's maybe a not a challenge itself, because it could be use in a positive way, we could be more connected with people who work in the same area that we do in other countries, or we also have more access to the information, although this could be at the same time a difficulty because today exist to much information, so it's a little hard to find what we really need.
in the art itself the technology is an opportunity for new types of art, like video art of photography, and it also could be a challenge because today any person could do a video or take a photograph, and the artist work is sometimes left on the side. for the other hand the new technology came to replace some types of art like paint, or maybe not replace but out of place, because for the people it's more interesting see "new things" that things that are old. in spite of this some artist are working mixing the paint we the technology.
in other topics related with the education area I think that the art history it's not very known. in the schools the programs or studies don't have included nothing related with this, only the art class, but it's mot the same. I think that it's important for the children and for all to know some about art, like they know about history in general or mathematics. if we ask to any child what chilean artist know they probably to mention some person who work on tv, and if you ask about one painter the probably don't know any. maybe if the state care much about this type of things the education of our people were more complete and maybe more satisfactory.
and how in the area of education the art history is so poor in the social level the art it's also very little known. today the art it's related in his mayority inside a group related to the art, like the critics, the theoreticals, and the same artists. people in general don't understand the art of nowadays, but it's not their fault, is a matter of all that we involved in this area and it's a matter of the authorities of the country.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
faculty of arts Las Encinas

Thursday, October 1, 2009
the chilean people
the identity of chileans in particular and the Latin Americans in general are condition by the colonialism, this is why I think that maybe in this country sometimes is difficult find our own identity, because we are a mix of many cultures, like the spanish, the natives, and today we are also influenced by the north american culture. but maybe we can see this mix of cultures like the essence of our, maybe Chile is just that.
but maybe the most awful about our identity is that we try to live like the biggest countries, like France or England, and we forget about what's really ours, the native culture. in the time of the colonialism many native groups who lived in this country were exterminated, and just a few ones remain, like the mapuche people, that are ours inmediated relatives, but we think that we are better that them and so we treat them.
I think the most of the chileans are socially ambicious and they look to native persons like if were less just because they are natives, but they don't see that mapuches are a very important part of our identity, not just of our genetic but our history too. they were one of the few (or maybe the only) native group that fougth with the colonizer and resist for many many years, and not just that, they were capable of cause several looses in the enemy. but in stead of treat them with respect we create laws that make them terrorist, when all they do is try to fight for what is right, the right to live in the land that belong to them.
I think taht if we aprecciate more our roots (like others Latin Americans countries does) maube we can have a more strong identity, and we were not just a county who want to be like others.
Friday, September 4, 2009
avant garde

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009
the animal rights
I personally think that this is not right because the animals don't belong to us, the animals are part of the world and we just share it with them, and because of this I found necessary to look out for them, and try to coexist in harmony.
fortunately exist some people that cares about this situation and expend most of they lives trying to create conscience about the animal rights, and also trying to save them for the indiscriminate slaughter. the most famous group is maybe Greenpeace and they not just worry about animals they worry about the environment too.
In Chile I think that the animal rights are not very consider, because the people are not very conscience about how the industries mistreat them, and the authority do very little to create a concience, because taking care of animals is more expensive that not doing nothing at all.
in the past days we are seen in the news several cases about people that not respect the animals, llike the situation in Valparaiso were many dogs were mistreat. this is just one example but I think that it represent how this society treat thoose beings that we thought are inferior to us.
for all of this I try to use products that are not tested in animals and also try to eat the least meet posible
Monday, June 22, 2009
my experience.....
Monday, June 15, 2009
my future...
In five years from now I hope I will be studying cinema and also working in something related with my current career, like doing assistance ship for a teacher in the university.
In the personal life I really don’t know what I’m going to be doing, because that depends on the things that will happen in between. Maybe I’m gonna be living by my own, or at least that is what I`m planning to do.
If for some reason I couldn’t study cinema, I would like to go to live somewhere in Europe, like
Although I really want to do all this stuff, I don’t like very much to think about the future, I prefer to live the present, and enjoy as much as possible the moment.
Maybe….. in five years I’m going to be married and I’m going to be a mom, or maybe I will be study science or mathemathics….. I really don’t have a clue
Saturday, June 13, 2009
about Ken robindson's talk
Monday, June 8, 2009
My favorite subject
My favorite subject this semester is the elective about sociology of art. This subject studies the impact that the society has in the art field, and how the new techniques of production allow expanding this field.
I like it because we can see how the art changes with the period and how the period it’s reflect in the piece of art. This vision allows me to watch the importance that art has in the people’s life.
In class we study meanly the work of Walter Benjamin “The art in the time of technique reproduction” where the author write about how the possibility of reproduction of art`s pieces had changing the position of art in the life of people. The art has to stop being an object of the religion and it becomes in a mercancy object, because now we have the possibility of buy this works or download from the web.
And also we study the work of Bordieu who talk about the art field like a independent field of study, that has its own rules and its own specialist.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The best one

Exist so many bright minds related to this area of thinking that it's very dificult to choose just one as my favorite, so I'm going to talk about someone that we are seen in class.... Inmanuel Kant!!! even hi isn't my favorite one I think that his influence in the way to apreciate the art it is trascendental.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
my friends
my favorite web site
Monday, May 4, 2009

Normaly I use it when a have to take the bus and go to the university or anywhere else. I also use it in my house when I have to study and the noises that my family makes don't let me do it in peace.
I also like another pice of technology, the digital camera, although I prefer the analogous one but sadly I don't have one, I hope I will someday. I found the photography very interesting so every time I can I go out and take some pictures.
The technology, the electronic products don't interesting me so much, I use them because it helps to do some stuff and cause the society force you to been conected, like with the internet and the cellphones but this things don't make crazy like it does with some people.
the exception to this are the mp3 player and the camera, cause one helps me trough my upseting travel in bus and the other its related with an art interesting.
Monday, April 27, 2009
the subjects that I found more interesting and I like the most are sociology of art and a class about cine. I think that these subjects give me a different approach to the art, they are a reading of the art related with the productions ways.
one of the posibilities this career has is to bring the art closer to the people, it is able to show us the importance of the art in the human history, and how the change on the society and their ideology have had an influence in the changes of how to look the art and the productions ways. this is why the professionals of this career need to work on their visual and criticals abilities, so they can make the art more interesting in diferents ways each day, they can show to the society different ways to read a piece of art.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
a place to live forever

although i don't know many places of Chile there is one that i found amazing, Valparaiso.
when i was younger i went almost every year to expend the summer. I stayed in my relative's house.
most of the time i went with my parents and my sister, but some years i went with my sister only.
i specially enjoyed when we go out for a walk around the city, but i also liked go to the beach in Viña del Mar.
i found Valparíso so appealing cause it has a great energy, it makes me feel relaxed and inspired. i also like the very special atmosphere that take you back in time, it is like another world.
lately i try to go every time a can even if it is just for a day. i hope someday i will live in this city.
Monday, April 20, 2009
A little about me
I'm a person who likes enjoy life and spend time with the people that i care about. also i'm very attached to my freedom, i need to have time to do the things that i really like.
i like very much everything thats related whit art, more specifically i like the potography, i hope i can study it when i finish with this degree.
that's all i can write about me for the moment, but i will continue in other time.