Monday, June 22, 2009
my experience.....
Monday, June 15, 2009
my future...
In five years from now I hope I will be studying cinema and also working in something related with my current career, like doing assistance ship for a teacher in the university.
In the personal life I really don’t know what I’m going to be doing, because that depends on the things that will happen in between. Maybe I’m gonna be living by my own, or at least that is what I`m planning to do.
If for some reason I couldn’t study cinema, I would like to go to live somewhere in Europe, like
Although I really want to do all this stuff, I don’t like very much to think about the future, I prefer to live the present, and enjoy as much as possible the moment.
Maybe….. in five years I’m going to be married and I’m going to be a mom, or maybe I will be study science or mathemathics….. I really don’t have a clue
Saturday, June 13, 2009
about Ken robindson's talk
Monday, June 8, 2009
My favorite subject
My favorite subject this semester is the elective about sociology of art. This subject studies the impact that the society has in the art field, and how the new techniques of production allow expanding this field.
I like it because we can see how the art changes with the period and how the period it’s reflect in the piece of art. This vision allows me to watch the importance that art has in the people’s life.
In class we study meanly the work of Walter Benjamin “The art in the time of technique reproduction” where the author write about how the possibility of reproduction of art`s pieces had changing the position of art in the life of people. The art has to stop being an object of the religion and it becomes in a mercancy object, because now we have the possibility of buy this works or download from the web.
And also we study the work of Bordieu who talk about the art field like a independent field of study, that has its own rules and its own specialist.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The best one

Exist so many bright minds related to this area of thinking that it's very dificult to choose just one as my favorite, so I'm going to talk about someone that we are seen in class.... Inmanuel Kant!!! even hi isn't my favorite one I think that his influence in the way to apreciate the art it is trascendental.